Spain: Swamp Couple Was Killed And Stoned

Swamp Couple Was Killed And Stoned

The corpses were naked and presented lesions in appearance of different type of arms.

Police and judicial officials, the day before yesterday after finding the corpses in the swamp - EFE

Marc and Paula still do not have a name at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Gerona, where the two corpses found on Tuesday were found in Susqueda swamp, but it is known that both were killed. The corpses - which the water returned a month after swallowing them - were naked and stoned by their backs (at least his with a backpack) and had other apparent injuries at the first ocular inspection that the autopsy must confirm.

The woman had a blow caused in the head with a blunt object appearance and, according to some sources, her boyfriend had chest wounds compatible with the use of a weapon. However, the effect of water on submerged bodies is a distorting element in the estimations with the naked eye, hence the importance of waiting for the results of necropsies.

Forensics will have to determine if Paula's punch was triggered before falling into the water or caused it to hit against a rock when they threw her corpse. Also if what looked like bindings around Marc's wrists were such or tattered hooks.

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