What's The Biggest Challenge In Africa?

The Biggest Challenge Africa Has To Face

Africa has the youngest population in the world, and is growing in haste. It is expected that by 2055 the continent's youth (those aged 15-24) will more than double the 226 million by 2015. But Africa remains a persistently inhospitable (politically, economically and socially) place for young people.

Whether African governments are able to resolve this issue depends on the future of the continent (prosperity or penury) in the decades to come.

Following the current course is not only a risk of poor economic performance and brain drain, but also of crime, political and social upheaval, and even armed conflicts. But Africa can thrive if governments now act to harness the energy and dynamism of the ever-growing young population. This requires a comprehensive political agenda, with measures demographically founded to tackle the problems of political, cultural and economic exclusion in a synchronized way.

I hope in God that everything goes well and improves in Africa.

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