Chile: Aleuy To Collect Information On Possible Arms Trafficking In Reunion In Argentina

Chile: Aleuy To Collect Information On Possible Arms Trafficking In Reunion In Argentina

The undersecretary of the Interior explained that the appointment with the head of Trans-Andean Security, Patricia Bullrich, will not be confined to the Mapuche conflict alone. In addition, he requested that the trial against the prisoners be carried out by the churches burned in La Araucanía.

The undersecretary met today with the police in La Moneda.
The undersecretary of the Interior, Mahmud Aleuy, explained Monday that at the meeting he will hold later this week with the Argentine Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, will address the possible arms traffic that would have been detected at the border and which would have been intended for Mapuche groups.
After holding an appointment with the police in the Palace of La Moneda, the authority indicated that the appointment "has to do with a broader policy, not only with the antecedents that you have known in the last time and that we have known us," mentioning the Pope's visit and other bilateral issues.

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