Switzerland: First Display Of A Private Collection Of Flemish Painting Of The Seventeenth Century

First Display Of A Private Collection Of Flemish Painting Of The Seventeenth Century

  • 'A golden age' brings to light another admirable selection of the many that treasure individuals.

  • The Zürich Kunsthaus displays 50 oils.

  • There are works by such masters as Jan Brueghel the Elder and Hendrick Avercamp.

That without a notice comes to light a collection of art of masters of the 17th century flamenco that would sigh all public art galleries would be an abnormality in any country in the world. If the surprise demonstration takes place in Switzerland, a country of semioppous fortunes, a refuge of foundations of all kinds and a territory of extended taxation for the more outstanding taxpayers, the astonishment is no longer so intense.

It has happened again. An admirable selection of half a hundred oils from among other masters Jan Brueghel the Elder, Hendrick Avercamp, Adriaen Coorte, Jan van Goyen, Aert van der Neer, David Teniers ..., is exposed in the eyes of the public on foot for the first time time in the sample Ein Goldenes Zeitalter (An age of gold). It is in poster in the Kuntsthaus of Zürich

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