Dinamarca: Los Jugadores Daneses Se Bajan El Sueldo A La Mitad Para Ayudar A La Selección Femenina

Los Jugadores Daneses Se Bajan El Sueldo A La Mitad Para Ayudar A La Selección Femenina

  • Dinamarca lucha por igualar los salarios de sus atletas.
  • "No se trata de hacernos ricas", afirman los jugadores.

Hermoso y necesario gesto del equipo de fútbol masculino de Dinamarca.

Los chicos han reducido el salario anual con la selección, que son unos 500.000 euros, a la mitad para ayudar a las mujeres de toda Dinamarca.

Con este gesto pretenden que los emolumentos entre ambas selecciones, un caballo de batalla durante algún tiempo en Dinamarca.

Las chicas lo han reclamado varias veces. Su capitán, Pernille Harder, dijo: "No se trata de hacernos ricos, no se trata de grandes cantidades de dinero, se trata de no tener que combinar el fútbol con un trabajo a tiempo completo oa tiempo parcial o con estudios".

Denmark: Danish Players Lower Wage Half To Help Women's Selection

Danish Players Lower Wage Half To Help Women's Selection

  • Denmark struggles to match the salaries of its athletes.
  • "It's not about making us rich," the players claim.

Beautiful and necessary gesture of the men's soccer team of Denmark.

The boys have reduced the annual salary with the selection, which are about 500,000 euros, in half to help the women of the whole of Denmark.

With this gesture they pretend that the emoluments between both selections, a horse of battle for some time in Denmark.

The girls have claimed it several times. His captain, Pernille Harder, said: "It's not about making us rich, it's not about huge amounts of money, it's about not having to combine football with a full-time or part-time job, or with studies ".

Dinamarca: Bienvenidos A Lego House

La Casa de Los Bloques

Visitamos la nueva Lego House en Billund, Dinamarca, diseñada por el arquitecto danés Bjarke Ingels.

Dinosaurios multicolores

El interior de la Lego House incluye una galería con varios grandes dinosaurios multicolores construidos con piezas Lego y otras esculturas, así como un museo sobre la historia de la empresa danesa, fundada a pocos metros en 1932.

Denmark: Welcome To The Lego House

Home Of The Brick

We visited the new Lego House in Billund, Denmark, designed by the Danish architect Bjarke Ingels.

Multicolored dinosaurs

The interior of the Lego House includes a gallery with several large multicolored dinosaurs built with Lego pieces and other sculptures, as well as a museum on the history of the Danish company, founded a few meters in 1932.

Spain: Swamp Couple Was Killed And Stoned

Swamp Couple Was Killed And Stoned

The corpses were naked and presented lesions in appearance of different type of arms.

Police and judicial officials, the day before yesterday after finding the corpses in the swamp - EFE

Marc and Paula still do not have a name at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Gerona, where the two corpses found on Tuesday were found in Susqueda swamp, but it is known that both were killed. The corpses - which the water returned a month after swallowing them - were naked and stoned by their backs (at least his with a backpack) and had other apparent injuries at the first ocular inspection that the autopsy must confirm.

The woman had a blow caused in the head with a blunt object appearance and, according to some sources, her boyfriend had chest wounds compatible with the use of a weapon. However, the effect of water on submerged bodies is a distorting element in the estimations with the naked eye, hence the importance of waiting for the results of necropsies.

Forensics will have to determine if Paula's punch was triggered before falling into the water or caused it to hit against a rock when they threw her corpse. Also if what looked like bindings around Marc's wrists were such or tattered hooks.

Realidad Virtual Puede Incluir Sentimientos Como Frío, Calor Y Hasta Dolor

Realidad Virtual Puede Incluir Sentimientos Como Frío, Calor Y Hasta Dolor

Un nuevo dispositivo llamado "ThermoReal" es capaz de transmitir estos impulsos a través de un material flexible que todavía está en la etapa de prueba.

La aparición de la realidad virtual en los videojuegos es uno de los avances más esperados por los usuarios. Actualmente hay diferentes tipos de espectadores que ofrecen estímulos visuales y auditivos para que la gente se sienta más inmersa en mundos digitales, ahora una nueva invención podría llevar esa sensación aún más.

La sensación de frío, claro e incluso dolor es lo que propone "ThermoReal" un nuevo dispositivo que permite entregar estímulos directamente en las manos de las personas para realzar el sentimiento de la realidad. Así, cuando las imágenes evocan el fuego, este material se calienta; mientras que en presencia de hielo, se enfría.

El desarrollo de TEGway, una filial del Instituto Superior de Ciencia y Tecnología de Corea, es capaz de una rápida variación de temperatura entre 4 ° Celsius y 40 ° Celsius. Además, produce estímulos que hacen que el usuario crea que está siendo pellizcado.

Virtual Reality May Include Feelings Like Cold, Heat And Even Pain

Virtual Reality May Include Feelings Like Cold, Heat And Even Pain

A new device called "ThermoReal" is able to transmit these impulses through a flexible material that is still in the testing stage.

The emergence of virtual reality in video games is one of the most anticipated advances by users. Currently there are different types of viewers that deliver visual and auditory stimuli so that people feel more immersed in digital worlds, now a new invention could take that feeling even further.

The feeling of cold, clear and even pain is what proposes "ThermoReal" a new device that allows to deliver stimuli directly into the hands of people to enhance the feeling of reality. Thus, when the images evoke fire, this material clien; while in the presence of ice, it cools.

The development of TEGway, a subsidiary of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, is capable of rapid temperature variation between 4 ° Celsius and 40 ° Celsius. In addition, it produces stimuli that make the user believe that he is being pinched.

Dinamarca: Los Jugadores Daneses Se Bajan El Sueldo A La Mitad Para Ayudar A La Selección Femenina

Los Jugadores Daneses Se Bajan El Sueldo A La Mitad Para Ayudar A La Selección Femenina Dinamarca lucha por igualar los salarios de sus ...