Virtual Reality May Include Feelings Like Cold, Heat And Even Pain

Virtual Reality May Include Feelings Like Cold, Heat And Even Pain

A new device called "ThermoReal" is able to transmit these impulses through a flexible material that is still in the testing stage.

The emergence of virtual reality in video games is one of the most anticipated advances by users. Currently there are different types of viewers that deliver visual and auditory stimuli so that people feel more immersed in digital worlds, now a new invention could take that feeling even further.

The feeling of cold, clear and even pain is what proposes "ThermoReal" a new device that allows to deliver stimuli directly into the hands of people to enhance the feeling of reality. Thus, when the images evoke fire, this material clien; while in the presence of ice, it cools.

The development of TEGway, a subsidiary of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, is capable of rapid temperature variation between 4 ° Celsius and 40 ° Celsius. In addition, it produces stimuli that make the user believe that he is being pinched.

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