Chile: From the US And Bolivia Three Popemobiles Will Be Brought For Pope Francisco's Visit To Chile

From the US And Bolivia Three Popemobiles Will Be Brought For Pope Francisco's Visit To Chile

The vehicles, one for each city that the Pontiff visits, will be reused to prevent the proliferation of these in the world and to comply with the seal of sustainability requested by the Vatican.

Three popemobiles will be used for the visit of Pope Francisco to Chile in January of next year and will be brought from the United States and Bolivia.
This was announced Wednesday by the executive director of the National Commission in charge of the visit, Javier Peralta, who explained that the vehicles will be reused from previous apostolic journeys and that there will be one "for each of the cities (to be visited by the Pope) in Chile, which will allow us from the point of view of logistics and times to have absolute independence. "
"It means that we are not going to have a Chilean popemobile, but we will be reusing and fulfilling with that a commitment of sustainability that we want to impress as a seal to this visit," said the journalist.

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