Chile: Simce 2016: Women Register Better Writing Than Men In All Socioeconomic Groups

Women Register Better Writing Than Men In All Socioeconomic Groups

The evaluation was done to the sixth grade students. For the first time, the questions were all of development so according to the authorities it is complex to compare the results with previous years.

The Minister of Education, Adriana Delpiano, together with the Executive Secretary of the Quality Agency, Carlos Henríquez, and the president of the Council of the agency of the quality of education, Paulina Araneda, gave this morning to know the results of the test Simce de Escritura, applied to sixth grade students in October 2016.
The test measured the writing abilities of 212,621 children in 5,142 schools under four criteria: communicative purpose, textual organization, coherence and development of ideas.
The maximum score of the test reached was of 65 and the minimum of 12, which gave a national average of 51, one point less than in 2016.
However, these differences are not significant since, for the first time in the history of the test, the questions were only focused on the development questions, leaving aside the multiple selection, so there are no single answers.

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